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Comparison of UV-Spectrophotometric and RP-HPLC Methods for Estimation of Deflazacort in Solid Dosage Form

Manisha Puranik, Samta Shambharkar, Shantanu Nimbalkar, Debarshi Kar Mahapatra.

Cited by 7 Articles

Deflazacort is a glucocorticoid used as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, nephrotic syndrome, pemphigus, juvenile chronic arthritis, uveitis, asthma, leukemia, etc. This drug is not official in any pharmacopeia. The objective of this study was to develop, validate, and compare spectrophotometric (absorptivity value method, derivative spectroscopy method, and area under curve (AUC) method) and HPLC methods for the determination of deflazacort in the pharmaceutical dosage form. Method A is simple absorptivity value method and is based on the determination of deflazacort in ethanol and water at 247 nm. Method B is Derivative spectrophotometric method and involved estimation of deflazacort using the zero-order and first-order derivative technique at 276.5 nm as maxima and 228.2 nm as minima. The calibration curve was prepared by plotting the absorbance difference between maxima and minima versus concentration. Method C is an AUC method. The method involved the calculation of the integrated value of absorbance with respect to the wavelength between two selected wavelength 230.2 nm and 264.4 nm, respectively. Method D is by HPLC, which was carried out using C18 column, mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile: methanol: phosphate buffer pH 7.0 (90: 5: 5) with flow rate 1 mL/min and detection done at 247 nm, which provide a sharp peak with a short retention time of 4.025 min. The developed method was validated as per ICH guidelines concerning accuracy, precision, robustness, and linearity. The data revealed that the developed method was convenient, fairly reliable, robust, sensitive, economic, and reproducible.

Key words: Deflazacort; UV; HPLC; Derivative spectroscopy; AUC method; Validation

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