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Research Article

J Complement Med Res. 2020; 11(5): 159-165

Relationship Between Vitamin D Level and Postoperative Complications in The Practice of a Plastic Surgeon

Okonskaya Yu.I., Kungurtseva A.L..


Today, there is a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency around the world. This article is devoted to a comprehensive study of vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency and its effect on postoperative complications in the practice of a plastic surgeon. Complications in plastic surgery is also a hot topic all over the world. The main objective of the study was to identify the correlation between low levels of 25(OH) D and complications after plastic surgery. The study is based on data from 15 patients (4.2%) out of 357 (100%) who had complications after plastic surgery. Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency was detected in all patients with complications by chemiluminescence immunoassay for 25(OH) D. The lowest level of 25(OH) D (9.3 ng/ml) was found in a patient with a formed keloid scar, the highest level of 25(OH) D in patients with complications was 21.7 ng/ml, which is also a vitamin D insufficiency. Taking into account the findings of the study, the article provides recommendations on the necessary preoperative studies to prevent the development of postoperative complications in the practice of a plastic surgeon

Key words: vitamin D deficiency; plastic surgery; postoperative complications; rhinoplasty; temporal lifting; otoplasty; SMAS lifting.

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