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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 3139-3146

A Study on Marketing Strategies of Telecom Service Provider’swith Special Reference to Delhi

Jharna Agrawal, Dr. Preeti Garg.


The Indian Telecom Sector has developed tremendously and has turned into the second biggest after China.Telecom Sector has remarkablegrowth in India because large proportion of population does not have wireless connections. Organization, which offers better benefits in terms of quality, price, bringsfrequentadvancement intechnologyattracted more customers in market, which will make the brand more popular, and help to find and retain more customers. Study was conducted in Delhi;the main purpose of this research paper is to study the telecommunications marketing strategy. India is currently the largest telecommunications exhibitor. Marketing strategies are important for development and profitability of organizations as there is fierce battle for subscriber service providers.

Key words: Telecommunication, marketing strategies, customers, wireless

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