Methods of visualization and other sophisticated methods are very significant for monitoring the flow of rheumatoid arthritis. Beside native radiography, other radiographic methods are also used in rheumatology, including those with the use of contrast (artrography and bursography). Very significant methods of visualization in rheumatology are: ultrasound, computerized tomography, mielography, bone scintigraphy, densitometry, capillaroscopy, arthroscopy, EMNG, nuclear magnetic resonance. The objective of this research is to use visualization methods to monitor the ability to evolve and severity in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Our research shows that a high level of ribbon-like osteoporosis 89% of sonographic examination, CT examination. Twenty seven out of 33 patients or 81.8% had typical synovitis. 81.3% had positive Ropes. Cytological examination says that there is synovitis in RA where lymphocytes and neutrofiles dominate, in 41 examinees or 85.4% (out of 48 examinees). Methods of visualization proved high ability to evolve and severity in patients suffering from RA, and we should seek causes in exogen and endogen factors.
Key words: methods of visualization, sophisticated methods, rheumatoid arthritis.