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Are short course corticosteroids as effective as longer course in determining days of oxygen requirement and hospital stay in patients with moderate COVID-19 disease?

Gunjan Upadhyay, Darshan J Dave, Zalak Asodiya.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: In past 2 years, COVID-19 pandemic has affected the health care system adversely. World statistics showed a huge rise in the incidence of this highly infectious disease. Abnormal and unregulated immune response was found to be the key deciding factor for the outcome of this disease. A lot of studies showed a promising role of corticosteroids as immunosuppressant agents. They reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 disease. However, steroid therapy comes with a huge concern in form of their adverse effects, especially on prolonged use. Optimum duration of steroid therapy is not standardized.

Aim and Objectives: The present study was carried out to determine days of oxygen requirement and duration of hospital stay in patients receiving short course steroid vis-à-vis long course steroid therapy.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in tertiary care teaching hospital after prior permission of the Institutional Ethics Committee. All patients diagnosed as having moderate COVID-19 illness with age group of 18–80 years with minimum 03 days of 6 mg dexamethasone or other equivalent steroid administration were included in the study. Patients who were living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, hepatic and renal illness, ischemic and other valvular diseases, and chronic pulmonary diseases affecting oxygenation status were excluded from the study. A total of 203 study participants were enrolled during study period (68 in short course while 135 in long course steroid group). Data were enrolled in predesigned structured and validated case record form.

Results: Short course steroid therapy was found more frequent in

Key words: Moderate COVID-19 Illness; Duration of Steroid; Oxygen Requirement; Dexamethasone

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