Decision rule is a procedure by which the subjective information is processed in order to reach at a choice. The focus of the research is to know the association between decision making rules used by rural folks and demographic profile of individuals i.e. age, income, education and nature of family prior purchasing FMCG (Toothpaste).Study determine that there is association between demographic variables and decision making rules used by rural consumers. It can be established from examination that variation in age, income, education and nature of family of rural people will have impact on how these consumers use decision making rules. However, pattern can also be grasped from the investigation that utmost of rural consumers uses solitary three decision making rules those are simple summated, weighted summated, lexicographic. Moreover, it was also established in investigation that there were rare rural folks who did not use any decision rule instead used decision heuristic to reach to a conclusion while buying toothpaste. Furthermore, rural consumers frequently use simple summated rules which also conveys the inference that rural folks do not think in multifaceted manner while making verdict to purchase a toothpaste.
Key words: Decision rules, Simple summated, weighted summated and lexicographic