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The relationship of trunk control with balance, upper extremity and lower extremity functions in stroke patients

Zekiye Ipek Katirci Kirmaci, Nevin Ergun.


The center of the body is the trunk. For distal extremity movements, balance, and functional tasks, proximal trunk control is crucial. The aim of the study is to examine the relationship of trunk control with balance, upper extremity and lower extremity functions in stroke patients. Thirty-six stroke patients were included in this cross-sectional descriptive study. Trunk control was assessed using the Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS), Berg Balance Scale (BBS) was used for balance evaluation, Fugl-Meyer Lower Extremity Scale (FML) was used for lower extremity function evaluation, Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity Scale (FMU) was used for upper extremity function evaluation. The mean age of the included stroke patients was 62±11 years. There was a moderate negative correlation between TIS and BBS (r=-0.610, p

Key words: Stroke, trunk control, balance, function

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