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RMJ. 2019; 44(2): 402-405

Phytochemical and biochemical analysis, assessment of metals, anti-oxidant contents and antimicrobial activity of Typha latifolia

Umedan Channa, Allah Bux Ghanghro, Mahvish Jabeen Channa, Irshad Hussain Ghanghro.


Objective: To assess the medicinal properties, biochemical evaluation and nutritional analysis as well as metal examination of Typha plant grown at Larkana district, Sindh, Pakistan.
Methodology: Different parts of the plant were analyzed, which include root, stem, leave, and pollens. All tests were performed by standard spectrophotometric methods and carbohydrate protein, phytochemicals such as phenolic compound, tannin, flavanoids and antioxidant activity were checked. Metals analysis were done by wet acid digestion method by Atomic Absorption spectrophotometric method.
Result: Typha plant contained sufficient amount of macromolecules and micromolecules. Anti-oxidant activity was observed in all parts of plant. Heavy metals and trace minerals were present within the WHO permissible limits.
Conclusion: Typha is a safe plant with both nutritional and therapeutic qualities. The roots of typhalatifolia are appropriate for metal accumulation and can be used as biomonitoring for various metals such as Zn, Ni, Cu, Pb, Mn, Co and Cd.

Key words: keywords: latifolia ,medicinal plants, phytochemical,biochemical,antioxidant

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