Objective: To assess oral manifestations of Chickengunya among gender different ages groups and determine the association of preventive and environmental measures for occurrence in Korangi Industrial area of Karachi, Pakistan.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted at General Medicine OPD of Sind Government Hospital, Korangi, Karachi from July to December 2018. All participants were the confirmed cases of Chickengunya by Polymerase Chain Reaction.
Results: Out of 531 patients, 331(62.3%) were female and 200 (37.2%) males. Most were (n=135; 25.4%) 45-60 years of age and had difficulty in mouth opening, jaw pain, enlarged lymph nodes followed by oral ulceration. There was statistically difference found among gender and the oral manifestations (p=0.021). When patients were interrogated about the environmental factors which can likely cause chickengunya; majority were not using net door or windows, water stagnation was present nearby their residence and were not using insecticides spray.
Conclusion: Difficulty in mouth opening was the most common oral manifestation found among the patients of 45-60 years of age followed by oral ulceration and the female were the most affected gender with the symptoms. Lack of using insecticides, net door and windows and water stagnation were found to be causative factors.
Key words: Chikengunya, Korangi industrial area, oral manifestations, polymerase chain reaction.