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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2009; 8(6): 465-472

Does Coping With Music as an Art Reduce Anxiety and Depression Symptoms? A Comparison of Conservatoire and Other Faculty Students

Nazan,Karaoğlu, Mehmet,Ali,Karaoğlu.


AIM: Art is known to be a tool which provides relaxation and helps therapy especially in psychiatric diseases and in many other health problems. But the effect of art in artists is not known well. The aim of this study was to ascertain if there is a difference in anxiety and depression symptom scores between students of conservatoire and the other faculties.
METHOD: In this study, anxiety and depression scores of volunteer students in conservatoire and other faculties were determined via a self administered questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic questions and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Percentages, chi-square, student-t test and one-way ANOVA tests were used in statistical analyses.
RESULTS: Study population was composed of 171 students in the ages of 17–29 (mean=21.36±2.31) years and 89 (52%) were female. Among 55 (32.2%) conservatoire students and 116(67.8%) other faculties’ students 104(60.8%) were living in a hostel. Mean anxiety and depression scores were 7.21±3.37, 5.80±3.49 for conservatoire students and 7.56 ±3.62, 5.81±3.41 for the comparisons, respectively. There were symptoms above the cut– off levels for anxiety in 28 students (16.4%) and for depression in 47 students (27.5%) in the whole group.
While anxiety and depression symptoms percentages were 18.2 %( n=10) and 15.5 %( n=18) in conservatoire students, that were 32.7 %( n=18) and 25.0 %( n=29) in other students. The difference was not statistically significant for both anxiety and depression symptoms (p>0.05).
CONCLUSION: We found that dealing with music as an art didn’t made difference in anxiety and depression symptoms in this study population. Art is always accepted as a relaxation tool but individuals making art as a lesson, as a job or as a way to gain money can feel different.

Key words: Art, Music, Anxiety, Depression, University

Article Language: Turkish English

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