Keta Lagoon is the largest coastal lagoon and the most extensive brackish waterbody in Ghana which is home to several shellfishes. The shellfish fishery of the lagoon has received very little attention and gradually slipping into a forgotten category. This study employed cost-benefit and value chain assessment methodology to assess the structure, functions and economic importance as well as identified opportunities to generate greater economic returns and incentives for increased investment into the shellfish fishery. Six (6) landing sites and 4 markets along the Keta Lagoon were covered in this study to document the important shellfishes, assess the fishing methods and fishing gears employed as well as analyse the economic performance and competitiveness of commercially important shellfishes of the lagoon. Shrimp, (Pennaeus sp.), blue-swimming crab (Callinectes sp.), West African mud creeper (Tympanotonus fuscata.) and whelks, (Gemophos viverratus.) were found to be the main shellfishes of the lagoon, with the shrimps and blue swimming crabs being the most commercially-important. Fishers of the lagoon employ mainly nets and traps for harvesting shrimps and crabs, whilst the West African mud creepers and whelks are hand-picked. Fishermen engaged in either crab or shrimp fishery incurred significantly lower (p
Key words: Value Chain Analysis; Shellfish fishery; Keta Lagoon; Fishery livelihood