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The Advantages and Limitations of International Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death from Aspect of Existing Health Care System of B&H

Izeta Kurbasic, Haris Pandza, Izet Masic, Senad Huseinagic, Salih Tandir, Fredi Alicajic, Selim Toromanovic.


Introduction: The International classification of diseases (ICD) is the most important classification in medicine. It is used by all medical professionals. Concept: The basic concept of ICD is founded on the standardization of the nomenclature for the names of diseases and their basic systematization in the hierarchically structured category. Advantages and disadvantages: The health care provider institutions such as hospitals are subjects that should facilitate implementation of medical applications that follows the patient medical condition and facts connected with him. The definitive diagnosis that can be coded using ICD can be achieved after several visits of patient and rarely during the first visit. Conclusion: The ICD classification is one of the oldest and most important classifications in medicine. In the scope of ICD are all fields of medicine. It is used in statistical purpose and as a coding system in medical databases.

Key words: ICD 10, advantages, disadvantages, limitations.

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