A succulent plant found across the world, aloe vera has long been heralded for its medicinal uses, especially when it comes to wound care. The plant has been used to treat any number of small cuts, abrasions, skin irritations, and mild burns. Aloe vera extract used in this study was obtained from Green chem ,Bengaluru,India. FBS was obtained from Sigma Aldrich.co.india. The normal mouse skin fibroblast line (c147) employed in this study were obtained from a NCCS, Pune. The in vitro scratch assay was carried out to detect the effect of Aloe vera extract on the migration of mouse skin fibroblast cells. Wound closure was examined by the quantity of transferred fibroblasts from the edge of the nick in extract treated wells in comparison to the control wells for 48h in four separate fields.The Aloe vera extract at 50µg/ml, 100µg/ml as well as epidermal growth factor 4ng/ml exhibited progressive wound closure compared to control and DMSO group.Aloe vera extract possesses wound healing properties by exhibiting progressive wound closure compared to control and DMSO group.
Key words: Aloe Vera, Scratch assay, Wound healing, extract, epidermal growth factor.