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Review Article

NNJ. 2019; 8(4): 13-17


Mrs. Katari Kantha,Ms. J. Jasmine,Dr. Indira. S.


Abstract: As the worldwide prevalence of hypertension continues to increase, the primary prevention of hypertension has become an important global public health initiative. Physical activity is commonly recommended as an important lifestyle modification that may aid in the prevention of hypertension. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between vegetable intake, physical activity with blood pressure. Objective: The objective was to assess the correlation of vegetable intake and physical activity with hypertension among rural adults Koverapalem. Methods: The participants in this cross-sectional study were from Koverapalem a rural area of Nellore. A total of 100 adults were randomly selected. Trained investigators administered a standard questionnaire to each participant during a face-to face interview and carried out blood pressure monitoring. Results: The results show that, out of 100 adults 59(59%) had normal blood pressure, 11 (11%) had elevated blood pressure, 13(13%) had hypertension and 17(17%) had systolic hypertension. The correlation coefficient value for physical activity and blood pressure is 0.54, which indicates that there is a positive correlation between physical activity and blood pressure. Conclusion: The study reports reviewed that though socio economic factors are also important in maintain blood pressure significantly can be control or maintained with physical activity and vegetable intake.

Key words: Keywords: Adults, prevention, Hypertension, blood pressure, vegetable intake,physical activity, Nellore.

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