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Acta Inform Med. 2008; 16(4): 197-200

Digital Intravenous Angiography Techniques in Experimental Medicine

Tarik Masic.


Introduction: Digital intravenous angiography techniques in experimental medicine have importance from aspect of their availability, simplicity and small cost. Compared to Color Doppler, distraction technique of angiography gives the same or even more accurate results, while the classic digital technique is with somewhat rougher image, but much cheaper and simpler in work on experimental animal with larger bio mass (dog). In this research with digital technique of classic intravenous angiography we marked the vein by-pass, in modified infrahioid lobe dissected from the dog. Sample and methodology: With intravenous angiography we marked the horizontally placed vein by-pass at the level of thong bone on ten dogs which, by performing the vein drainage of the lobe, take the blood into the contra lateral jugular flow. Comparison of the results obtained with this technique and Color Doppler analysis was performed. Results: Results of intravenous angiography (digital technique) on machine Siregraph made by „Siemens“ were satisfactory in this experiment in marking wanted blood vessel, while the results of Color Doppler probe of the machine GE Vivid 3 frequency from 5 to 12 MHz were somewhat closer to the results of PH analysis which we considered to be the most objective. Conclusion: Digital technique of intravenous angiography is quite objective in experimental medicine and as such, and much cheaper than other diagnostic procedures, can be easy accessible and useful in work on animals with larger bio mass (dog).

Key words: Angiography, Techniques, Experimental Medicine

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