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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 2611-2617

Spirituality Reflections in Three Select Indian Novels: The Guide, The Hayawadana and Gora

Dr. P. Gowthami, Dr. G. Pavani, Dr. A. Pavani.


Spirituality is above and beyond materialism. It is about self-consciousness. The wings of Spirituality are spread through various ways as self-recognition self-realization and selftransformation. Spiritual elements can be viewed from both the philosophical and sophisticated perspectives. The paper explores the reflections of spiritual elements in three select Indian novels: the Guide, the Hayawadana and Gora. The novels reflect the openness and self-realization in characters of these three novels, through the Spirituality, where the transformation is shown in the behaviors of protagonists of these novels through which they become ordinary humans to noble men. The researcher has divided the reflections of Spirituality into self-recognition, self-Introspection, and self-realization. The exploration of this study done in three different parts: recognition of self, introspection of self and self-realization and enlightenment. Spirituality does not contain in a single movement. Its effects are felt in the devotional which underpins the universal openness furthered by the sense of pleasure that arises and which must then be alleviated by finding the real truth. This attempt is itself reflecting spirituality.

Key words: Introspection, Realization,Spiritualization. Transformation.

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