Angiosarcoma is a rare vascular lesion and radiation predisposes for its development. Multiple cancers development is even more rare and may be related to genetic predisposition.
We present a case of a woman with an angiosarcoma developed on an irradiated breast, treated with mastectomy and chemotherapy, who also had a past medical history of other 4 preceded cancers in a 20-year period.
The rarity of our case report is based upon the fact that a patient with a rare diagnosis of post radiation angiosarcoma had a medical history of other 4 preceded cancers in a 20-year period.
We also present a literature review on breast angiosarcomas and multiple cancers development.
Every lesion, especially angiomatous like lesions on irradiated skin, approximately 6 to 10 years after irradiation should arouse suspicion and be biopsied, especially in patients with medical history of prochronous cancers.
Key words: post radiation angiosarcoma, breast cancer, multiple cancers in breast cancer, breast angiosarcoma, prochronous cancers, breast multiple cancers, PRAS