BACKGROUND: In this paper we show the use of Mann algorithm in correction of hallux valgus deformity (HVD). Follow up of complications were defined as: hallux varus, transfer metatarsalgia, stress fractures and recurrence of the deformity with proximal metatarsal osteotomies (Juvara and middle shaft Scarf & Meyer) in HVD rate (HVA 28 40 0, IMA 14 20 0). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review was performed on 9 patients (14 surgical procedures) who underwent a Juvara (7) and Scarf & Meyer (7) bunionectomy between January 2000 to January 2008 in Clinical center University of Sarajevo. Data recorded on the pre-and postoperative AP radiographs included: intermetatarsal angle 1-2 (IMA), hallux valgus angle (HVA) and tibial sesamoid position. We also used Kitaoka score scale. Follow-up was performed in all patients at average of 9.5 months. Statistical differences were considered to be significant of p15 0) isolated or in the secondary procedures. Primary stability is successful. We did not consider malposition and failure of bone healing or static foot as complications
Key words: hallux valgus, proximal metatarsal osteotomies