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Morphometric alteration induced by cyclophosphamide in rat kidney and protective efficacy of coenzyme Q10: A stereological study

Ahmad Yahyazadeh.


Cyclophosphamide (CD), as a chemotherapeutic drug, is used for the elimination of cancer cells, but its toxicity has led to health problems. We aimed to investigate the efficacy of coenzyme Q10 (C10) on kidney alterations caused by CD treatment in Wistar albino rats. Thirty-five adult male rats were assigned into five groups: control (CO), olive oil (OO), CD, C10, and CD+C10. All kidney tissues were analysed using the stereological and histopathological techniques. Stereological results revealed that the mean volumes of kidney, cortex, medulla, and glomerulus were significantly increased in the CD group than the CO group (p < 0.05). We also observed a significant decrease in the mean volume of proximal tubules in the CD group than the CO group (p < 0.05). In the CD+C10 group, the mean volumes of kidney, cortex, medulla, and glomerulus were significantly less when compared to the CD group (p < 0.05). In addition, there was a significant increase in the mean volume of proximal tubules in the CD+C10 group than the CD group (p < 0.05). Histopathological examination also revealed valuable results. Our findings showed that treatment with CD caused destructive change in the rat kidney tissues. Moreover, C10 administration significantly attenuated the toxic effect of CD on the kidneys.

Key words: Coenzyme Q10, cyclophosphamide, kidney, rat

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