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Jigsaw technique – A novel method of teaching biochemistry to medical undergraduates

Priti Vijay Puppalwar, Rajesh Kawaduji Jambhulkar.

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Background: Cooperative learning is a method of education in which the learner is responsible not only for his learning but also for the learning of others. The jigsaw strategy is an efficient way to learn the course material in a cooperative learning style.

Objectives: The objectives of the study were (1) to compare jigsaw learning technique with traditional teaching in medical undergraduates for teaching biochemistry. (2) To assess the gain in knowledge by students by both the techniques.

Materials and Methods: It was a Quasi-experimental study. Of 150 first MBBS students, thirty six were randomly assigned to the jigsaw group and rest were treated as control group. A pre-test was administered to both the groups. The study group was taught by jigsaw technique for 4 weeks. At the same time, control group received traditional teaching. Post-test was administered to both the groups 2 weeks after the completion of the study.

Results: Both the groups scored significantly high in post-test as compared to pre-test. No difference was found in pre-test scores of two groups. Post-test scores of jigsaw group were significantly more than that of the traditional method group.

Conclusion: Jigsaw method is more effective than traditional method for teaching biochemistry to medical undergraduates.

Key words: Jigsaw; Traditional; Medical; Metabolic; Biochemistry

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