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Pharmacokinetics of intravenous administered two different high doses of ascorbic acid in healthy beagle dogs

Seula Lim,Ye In Oh,Jong Woo Jeong,Kun Ho Song,Tae Sung Koo,Kyong Won Seo.


Objective: We performed a randomized two-way crossover study to evaluate the pharmacokinetic profiles of two high-dose ascorbic acid (AA) after IV infusion in healthy beagle dogs.
Materials and Methods: The dogs were administered IV AA at two doses of 1.5 and 3 gm/kg for 4 h, and the AA concentration in plasma and urine pH was measured before and after administration.
Results: The plasma concentrations of AA in both groups peaked 3 h after administration. Among the two groups, the urine pH was not significantly different (p = 0.1299–0.7944). High-dose IV AA did not induce serious adverse events in dogs.
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the high dose of AA which reaches the therapeutic dose for cancer and supports the safety of high-dose IV AA in dogs.

Key words: Ascorbic acid; dog; pharmacokinetics

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