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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 2243-2246


Tamara Yacoub Nasereddin.


This study addresses issues related tothe termination of collective work contractsin accordance withJordanian Labor laws. It specifically examines a number of scenarios,including scenarios in which laborers are represented by a trade union that terminatesthe contract on their behalf, scenarios in which laborers are notrepresented by a trade union where the legislator does not indicate if acontract must be terminated forawhole group or only for the individuals who represent a group, and scenarios in which the legislator doesnot specify the number of individuals that define a “group” to allow for the legal termination of a collective work contract.
The research results indicatedthat the legislator should define their concept of a “group” by stating the number of individuals who would constitute a “group” in this context. The results also determined that legislators should identify and define the characteristics and number of worker representativesfor scenarios in which workers request a collective work contract to define and bind their terms of employment.

Key words: Collective work contract, Trade union

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