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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 2055-2062

Principles of administrative and legal support of human health care rights in Eastern Europe COUNTRIES

Chystokletov Leontii Grugorovych, Khytra Oleksandra Leontiivna, Pokaichuk Vitalii Yaroslavovich, Shyshko Valerii Valeriiovych, Bochkovyi Oleksii Vasilovich.


This study bases on the use of both branch scientific and general theoretical provisions. It is aimed at revealing the content of the legal provision of the human right to health protection in some of the post-Soviet countries.
On the basis of international and domestic practice, attention is drawn to the problems of the formation and development of the health sector with the provision of high-quality and effective medical services to the population in the post-Soviet republics, starting with the collapse of the Soviet Union and up to the beginning of modern conceptual directions for improving health care, without violating the basic human and civil rights.
It is proved that, despite the differences between the guarantees of human rights to health enshrined in the constitutions of the post-Soviet republics, their strategic guidelines remain the readiness to provide a person with the highest level of medical care, based on his physical and mental condition.

Key words: human rights, provision of services, healthcare, post-Soviet republics, legal support.

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