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Acta Inform Med. 2009; 17(3): 146-147

Medical Director Software Package for General Practitioners - Australian Experience

Dragica Milinkic.


Australia’s health industry is enormous. Australia is amongst the most progressive countries in the eHealth sector. It was worth more than $70 bn in 2008, and that represents more than 10% of Australia’s GDP. As a whole, it represents the biggest slice of economic activity in the country and it touches the lives of all Australians. Information technology spending in the Australia was estimated to be $2.2 bn or approximately 4%of total health expenditure, and that is growing at an average rate of 15% annually. Only recently the Australian government invested $35 million dollars to provide hi speed broadband internet access to GP’s and Aboriginal health service providers across the country. This demonstrates Australia’s commitment to expending the health IT industry. Broadband will mean swift, secure email, communication between doctors, communication between other health care providers and it will ensure things like rapid delivery of online referrals, test results, such as pathology, x-ray and ultrasound images. The significant benefits of these IT solutions are being recognized by government and doctors worldwide.

Key words: PHC, IT, Medical doctor software package.

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