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Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe

Izet Masic.


Society of Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHSMI) became a member of European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) and International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) in 1994, during terrible wartime in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Balkan region. During MIE ‘94 Conference in Lisbon, at my first participation at EFMI Council meeting, idea was born in my mind - to organize one of MIE Conferences in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I had many reasons for that. Candidature of BHSMI for one of MIE conferences to be organized in Sarajevo or any other part of Bosnia and Herzegovina became official in Sent Malo in 2003 at EFMI Council meeting. EFMI Board officially accepted nomination of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina as co-organisers of MIE 2011. Just year after, in 2004, EFMI Board (from which majority are still members of the current Board) visited Sarajevo, spoke with most respectable political, scientific, cultural and other leaders and were assured that Sarajevo can be host one of MIE conferences. In 2005, in Athens, EFMI Council decided that MIE conference will be held in Sarajevo in 2009 (MIE 2009).

Key words: MIE2009

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