Purpose: Overview of our experiences in taking the CT guided biopsies of musculoskeletal lesions during the period of sixteen months, analysis the validity of taken samples and correlation with pathological findings. Material and methods: CT guided biopsies of musculoskeletal lesions were performed in 32 patients during the period of sixteen months. Age range was from 13 to 78 years. Majority of the biopsies were performed with coaxial cutting needle system (14 G and 16 G) with introducers size 13 and 15 G. Bone biopsies were performed with Yamsidi needles in purpose of taking the bone cylinder. Majority of the biopsies were performed under local anesthesia except a thirteen years old child to whom CT guided biopsy of corpus Th 6 was performed under general anesthesia. Two samples of tissues were sent in formalin solutions to Institute of Pathology for pathological verification. Results: In one case of musculoskeletal lesions CT guided biopsies didnt yield a representative tissue sample. We had high level of congruence between radiological and pathological findings; precise presented in the article. Conclusion: CT guided biopsies of musculoskeletal lesions are method of choice for pathologic verification of musculoskeletal lesions proving incomparable less risk compared to «open» biopsy which requires operating theatre and general anesthesia. Coaxial needle systems have shown as suitable for yielding representative tissue samples (two samples for each patient), and samples are also appropriate for imuno-hysthochemical analysis.
Key words: musculoskeletal lesions, CT guided biopsies, radiological correlation.