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Identification of TNF-α-308G/A (rsl800629) polymorphism in Bangladeshi population related to type-2 diabetes

Dipa Roy, Md Sk Shahid Ullah, Bristy Basak, Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Maisha Tanzim, Ariful Haque.

Cited by 3 Articles

This study was designed to study the association between TNF-α-308G/A (rsl800629) polymorphism with diabetes mellitus type-2 (DMT2) in Bangladeshi population. Besides, the role of TNF-α-308G/A in early proliferation of DMT2 has not been investigated. The allelic frequency of TNF-α-308G/A and their association with DMT2 was studied using high resolution melting (HRM) analysis and confirmed using sequencing. A few demographic risk factors associated with DMT2 were also investigated routinely. Significance of these risk factors was analyzed statistically. We have analyzed 657 individuals who were distributed into 2 groups: 330 non-diabetic controls and 327 DMT2individuals. HRM analysis shows that 11 individual bare G/A and 2 bare A/A genotype in DMT2 patients. Within non-diabetic individual we found only one with G/A genotype. The frequency of TNF-α-308G>A are within the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (0.00482) at 95% confidence level. TNF-α-308G>A frequency in two age group based on first time diagnosed, we found association with early proliferation of DMT2 with a P-value of 0.008965 in Fisher’s test at 95% confidence level. Our result suggested that the SNPTNF-α-308G>A is closely associated with DMT2 patients in Bangladeshi population. Besides, presence of TNF-α-308G>A polymorphism increases the risk of early proliferation of DMT2.

Key words: TNF-α-308G/A; polymorphism; diabetes; Bangladesh

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