Research Article |
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EEO. 2021; 20(5): 1973-1981 Educational Quality Equation Through The Management Of Distance Education Information And Communication Technology (ICT) Based In Senior High SchoolBadrudin, JajaJahari, RiyanDwiCahya, Imam Makruf, Nasir. Abstract | | | | This research describes the management of distance education to improve the quality of education. The form of management of distance education in responding to the needs of the people in the revolutionary 4.0 era is viewed from the aspects of education management, from planning, implementation, to evaluation of learning. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, which is a research method used to examine natural conditions of objects. Researchers as key instruments. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by means of literature study, participatory observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is inductive. The results of qualitative research emphasize the meaning rather than generalization. The information and communication technology based distance education program in the SMAN 2 Padalarang model school was implemented with a portion of 80% online and 20% face to face. Online learning utilizes LMS (Learning Management system) technology using EDOBOX and VICOM in administration, learning and educational evaluation. The implementation of distance learning based on information and communication technology contributes to the acceleration of equal distribution of learning opportunities and improvement in the quality of education. This is evidenced by the increase in APK (Gross Participation Rate) in West Bandung Regency from 2014 as much as 51.85% to 69.88% in in 2017 or an increase of 18.03%.
Key words: management; education; distance