The current study aimed to examine on Administrative performance of heads of schools in the National Means cum Merit Scholarship scheme at the secondary level. The sample for the study comprises 65 school heads in Salem district Tamilnadu. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the heads of schools for a descriptive survey and for the present study. The investigator made a tool for the administrative performance of heads. The data were analyzed using both descriptive (Mean and Standard deviation) and differential (t test and F) test analyses in the study. The administrator of a school needs to look carefully and interested in all administrative matters and has to ensure its proper management. The improvement of quality of secondary schools comprised the development of knowledge of contents, teacher knowledge, communication ability, classroom management skills, teacher motivation, teaching methods, school contexts, classroom practices, teachers teaching, school structures, skills, learning materials, textbooks, science equipment, instructional materials and other facilities are also necessary.The head of school must be given to awareness, motivation, learning environment, resources, and coaching for talented students. NMMS examinations are economically helpful and increase their academic achievement for successful students.
Key words: Administrative Performance;Heads of School; Secondary Level;NMMS; Examination; Scholarship.