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A case study: Effects of wet cupping therapy in a male with primary infertility

Senol Dane,Menizibeya Osain Welcome.


Background and purpose: Infertility is a serious health problem, resulting from the inability of a sexually active couple to achieve pregnancy in one year. The cost of treatment remains a challenge for the majority of infertile people. Alternative may be helpful in addressing the problem of infertility. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wet cupping therapy in a male with infertility.
Materials and methods: The patient was a 32-year-old male with a 7-year history of infertility. Pre- and post-tests were completed by the researcher by testing the man’s semen and human chorionic gonadotropin in his wife’s serum. The man underwent wet cupping therapy twice each month. His wife was treated with wet cupping once per month.
Results: The wife of the man became pregnant after two months of wet cupping therapy.
Conclusion: Wet cupping therapy can be effective in treating individuals with infertility.

Key words: Wet cupping therapy; alternative therapy; infertility; male infertility; pregnancy; conception

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