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Hastane Temizlik Hizmetleri Personelinin Tıbbi Atıkların Toplanması, Taşınması ve Depolanması İle İlgili Bilgi ve Uygulamalarının Belirlenmesi

Esengül Çamözü, Yeter Kitiş.


Determination of Hospital Cleaning Staff’s Knowledge and Applications About Collecting, Transferring and Stocking of Medical Wastes
AIM:This observational descriptive study carried out to identify cleaning staffs’ knowledge and practices about collection, transportation and storage of medical waste, at GATA Education and Research Hospital
METHOD: All of 99 staffs were included in the study, Data was collected by questionnaire and observation forms.
Observation form consists of 5 chapters and 36 processes created in order to observing staff’s practices and use private preventive equipments during the practices. Participants were observed twice with at least 15-day interval and then a questionnaire was administered. Written consent was obtained from staffs by informing about research before applying questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 12 package program.
RESULTS: 93 persons had been vaccinated against to HepB and 35 persons had been vaccinated against to tetanus among 99 persons were participated in study. 36 persons stated had been injured at least one time by cutting, or drilling materials. Wearing gloves were the most common private prevention (but about half of them was disposable) and other private preventive materials were using less. Observed that most of the participants were carrying waste with their hands and clothes were kept in inconvenient place and washing hands, gloves and container after procedures were leaved out. Also some of participants neglected to put leaky pocket in a substantial one.
CONCLUSION: Training of cleaning staffs about collect, transport and storage of medical waste relevance to fundamentals of medical asepsis also using visual stimulants and checking staff’s practices for enhancement of correct applications were suggested.

Key words: medical waste, cleaning staff, observation

Article Language: Turkish English

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