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Anterior segment parameters and tear functions in patients with thalassemia major

Sadik Etka Bayramoglu,Gonul Aydogan, Mehmet Erdogan, Dilbade Yildiz Ekinci, Nihat Sayin.

Cited by 1 Articles

Aim: To determine whether the biomicroscopic, topographic and biomechanical properties of the anterior segment and the tear function have changed in Thalassemia Major (TM) patients.
Material and Methods: Eighty-eight eyes of patients with TM and 102 eyes of healthy controls paired with age, gender, and spherical equivalent were included in this cross- sectional case-control study. Biomicroscopic, topographic and biomechanical findings of anterior segment and Schirmer test measurements were compared between the two groups.
Results: The mean age was found to be 15.11±6.01years in TM group, and 13.83±4.92 years in the control group (p=0.17). In 34 (38.63%) patients with TM, minor peripheral lens opacities were detected. Visual acuity was 20/20 in all patients with lens opacity. The mean iridocorneal angle (ICA) was 44.67±5.86 and the topographic anterior chamber depth (ACD) was 3.65±0.28 mm in the TM patients. Mean ICA was 48.78 ± 6.51 and topographic ACD was 3.76±0.30 mm in the control group (p

Key words: Thalassemia major; anterior segment; cornea; topography.

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