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Influenza Surveillance in Diyarbakir Between 2006-2009 Years

Ali Ceylan, Vedat Dorman, Demet Yalım, Evrim Arslan, Melikşah Ertem, Gülay Korukluoğlu, Turan Buzgan, Namık Kemal Kubat, Halise Kaya Öner.


Aim: The aim of this study was the evaluation of the surveillance activities for seasonal influenza in one of a sentinel city of Diyarbakir-Turkey between the years 2006 to 2009.

Methods: In Diyarbakir 10 primary health centre and 2 voluntary physician were involved to surveillance. Weekly Influenza Like Illness (ILI) were reported through Health Administration of city and each week unique nasopharyngeal swap sample were collected from one randomly selected ILI case. Nasopharyngeal swap samples were transported to Virology Laboratory of Ankara Refik Saydam Hıfzissiha Institute and virologic investigations were performed in this centre. Monthly distribution, person, place and time properties of ILI cases were shown by graphics and tabulates. Beside this forms filled for surveillance were evaluated according to their sufficiency.

Results: Five thousand five hundred thirty four ILI cases were reported during 2006-2007 season and 4541 cases during 2007-2008 season, 10350 cases during 208-2009 season were reported. According to monthly distribution it was determined that ILI cases apparent by the fall, increase during winter and decrease during spring. For all three seasons most of the ILI cases were aged between 1 to 4 years old. Results of virologic investigation of samples collected at 2006-2007 season were 16 Influenza B, 10 Influenza A H3, 6 adenovirus, 4 Influenza A H1, 2 Parainfluenza, and 1 RSV. At 2007-2008 season virologic results were 17 Influenza B, 3 Influenza A, 7 Influenza AH1, 10 Influenza AH3, 3 Parainfluenza. At 2008-2009 season 26 İnf B, 1 İnfAH3ve 1 RSV were the viruses found from ILI cases’ samples.

Conclusion: The contribution of surveillance conducted in Diyarbakir city which is one of a sentinel region of Turkey was found very prior and important for National Surveillance of Influenza.

Key words: H1N1, influenza, sentinel surveillance

Article Language: Turkish English

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