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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 1689-1698


DR.V.R.Nedunchezhian, Dr. A. Amirtha.


A financial analyst can adopt the following tools for analysis of the financial statement. These are also termed as methods of financial analysis.The baking sector is one of the core sectors in the economic development of India. So the purpose of the study is to concentrate on financial performance of City union bank.This study attempted to find out whether CUBhave performed well or not. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the risk exposure of the bank in the last five years and to predict the future performance of the bank. For this purpose a balance sheet of five years was analysed using ratio analysis and trend analysis. The conclusion is that the risk towards deposits of the bank is much higher when compared to the advances and as a whole the performance and profitability of the banks are satisfactory.

Key words: Risk management, Nationalized bank and financial analysis.

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