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Review Article

Health Workers and Doctors Death During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Cipta Pramana, Gina Indriana, Kukuh Setyopambudi.

Cited by 5 Articles

Background: COVID-19 appears to be associated with significant mortality among doctors and health workers worldwide.
Purpose: This research is to report the death of health workers who died from COVID-19 infection
Methods: We conducted a comprehensive literature review using keywords and multi-search related reports of deaths from COVID-19 in Indonesia. Details of COVID-19-related deaths reported by the media and mainstream trusted articles and journals and from surveys of related organizations which are then collected, filtered, verified and analyzed
Results: The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) mitigation team announced that data on medical personnel who died as a result of Covid-19 during the pandemic in Indonesia from March 2020 to 28 January 2021 had reached a total of 647 people. As for the total of 647 medical and health workers who died as a result of being infected with Covid-19, 289 doctors, 27 dentists, 221 nurses, 84 midwives, 11 pharmacists, 15 medical laboratory personnel. The doctor death rate continues to increase. COVID-19 has killed over 303 doctors till 2 February 2021. The majority of the deceased 55,7% (169/303) were general practitioners the deaths occurred among various surgical specialists, while 6,6% (20/303) of the deaths occurred gynaecologists, and 5,2% (16/303) were internal medicine, 4,2% (13/303) were paediatricians, 3,3% (10/303) were ENT doctors, and followed by other specialists.
Conclusion: COVID-19 has been linked to increased mortality in physicians and healthcare providers in Indonesia. Supporting facilities and infrastructure while working at the front line, excessive working hours, decreased mental and immune system, political crisis, coordination crisis, are not fully supported by the role of the community.

Key words: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemics, Health workers, Doctors, Indonesia, Death

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