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Review Article

IJPRT. 2021; 11(2): 23-32

Mitigation Techniques for Puea In Cognitive Radio Networks Using Hypothesis Testing

Praveen Kumar.


This paper detects primary user emulation attacks in cognitive radio networks using Neyman-Pearson composite hypothesis test and Wald’s sequential probability ratio test. Most approaches in the literature on Primary user emulation attacks assume the presence of underlying sensor networks for localization of the malicious nodes. There are no analytical studies available in the literature to study Primary user emulation attacks in the presence of multiple malicious users in fading wireless environments. An NPCHT and WSPRT based analysis to detect Primary user emulation attack in fading wireless channels in the presence of multiple randomly located malicious users. It shows there is a range of network radii in which PUEA is most successful. The results also show that for the same desired threshold on the probability of missing the primary, WSPRT can achieve a successful probability PUEA 50% less than that obtained by NPCHT.

Key words: Primary user, Secondary user, Malicious nodes, Dynamic spectrum access, Cognitive radio network, Primary User Emulation Attack, NPCHT, WSPRT.

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