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Pain behaviors and hemodynamic parameters of intubated and sedatized intensive care patients during aspiration

Tugba Menekli, Runida Dogan, Bulent Yaprak.


The study was conducted in a descriptive type to evaluate the pain behavior and hemodynamic parameters during aspiration of intubated and mildly sedatized patients in the intensive care unit. The study sample consisted of 100 intubated and sedatized patients who were hospitalized in the Anesthesia Intensive Care Unit of Harran University Faculty of Medicine Hospital between February 2018 and June 2018. "Patient Information Form", "Hemodynamic Parameter Form", "Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS)", "Ramsay Sedation Scale" and "Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)" were used to collect the data. There is a significant difference between the BPS total and subscale scores, mean "systolic and diastolic blood pressure", "heart rate", "respiratory rate" and "SpO2" before, during and after aspiration (p=0.0001), it was determined that the difference was due to the average score after aspiration (p=0.0001). While the SpO2 averages of intubated and sedatized intensive care patients decrease during aspiration, the averages of the BPS scores and other hemodynamic parameters increase.

Key words: Intensive Care Patient, pain behavior, hemodynamic parameter, aspiration

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