Introduction: Congenital macrostomia is a relatively rare congenital facial anomaly that can occur either alone or in association with other facial anomalies and present either unilaterally or bilaterally. Purpose: To report the management of macrostomia with good functional and aesthetic results. Case report: A 3-months-old baby girl with widening at right corner of the lip since birth. Case management: Surgical correction was done with double Z-plasty to correct the macrostomia. Conclusion: Surgical correction of macrostomia in infant patient should be done promptly in young age to provide good psychological impacts on both child and family. Macrostomia reconstruction with double Z-plasty technique is the simplest one and easy to yields good results in both functional and aesthetics aspects. In the present case, there was minimal scar and no lateral deviation of the commissure after 2 weeks follow up.
Key words: Macrostomia, Surgical repair, Double Z-plasty technique