AIM: Kocaeli is one of the most industrialized cities of Turkey. Many industrial facilities in terms of air pollution, constitute a risk. Because of Kocaelis location, which is on the junction of Turkeys whole motorway transport, increases the importance of this issue. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not a relationship between air pollution measurement parameters (SO2 and PM) and Myocard Infarction (MI) related hospitalizations.
METHOD: In this study, the relationship between MI related hospitalizations which occured in Kocaeli in 2004 and measurements of SO2 and PM were investigated. Study was analytical type and case-crossover (CCO) design was used.
RESULTS: Three hospitals (which have coronary intensive care units and which are located in Kocaeli) patient records have been searched and a total of 428 MI related hospitalizations have been identified in data collecting phase, and its determined that these 428 hospitalizations were involving 417 individuals. Of the 428 hospitalization records, 318 were eligible for CCO analysis criteriae and included to analyze.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion by investigating the relationship between MI related hospitalizations and measured SO2 and PM levels in Kocaeli, we found that a 10 μg/m3 increase in SO2 levels, significantly increase the risk of MI in cold season (October-March).
Key words: MI, Hava Kirliliği, Case Crossover Article Language: Turkish English