It was shown that pulmonary arterial valve stenosis moderate changes in hemodynamic parameters of patients lead to a change in the
structure of cardiomyocyte and blood vessel. Strengthening of plastic processes, lead to hypertrophy and proliferation of
endothelial cells as well as to increase of blood vessels' lumen diameter. Quite interesting is the fact that new capillaries
formed mostly by intuscusseptive angiogenesis. In the same way new arteries are formed. Hemodynamic changes of heart
right compartment accompanied by structural vascular and cardiomyocyte remodeling. In the later stages of disease vascular
remodeling goes by the mechanism of intussusceptions forming vessels of different caliber.
Key words: Transmission electron microscopy, light optical microscopy, right heart atria, angiogenesis, arteriogenesis, pulmonary
arterial valve stenosis.