Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine sexual attitudes and related factors of summer school students ofnursing department. Methods: In a cross-sectional and descriptive design, the study was conducted on 89 nursingsummer school students of a university between June and August 2014. Data were collected by an survey formcontaining socio-demographic characteristics that was constructed by the researchers and Hendrick Sexual AttitudeScale. Results: The mean age of students was 22.2±1.6, and 52.8 of them was female, mean subscale scores ofthe scale were 3.8±0.9 for permissiveness, 3.9±1.0 for birth control, 3.0±1.0 for communion, and 3.1±1.0 forinstrumentality. Cronbachs alpha coefficient of subscales was found between 0.86 and 0.92. Permissiveness andinstrumentality subscale scores of male students were significantly lower than female students (p
Key words: sexuality, sexual attitude, nursing student, summer school Article Language: Turkish English