Ground radiometric survey carried out at Gaya North-Western Nigeria using Portable Gamma-ray Spectrometer confirmed, characterised the observed anomalies in Aero-spectrometric map and then correlated with Geological map. The area lies between Longitude 90 21' 5.63"-90 21' 38.57" and Latitude 110 44' 10.59"-110 44' 43.53". 21 profiles each 1 km long and 50 m apart, were laid having total of 441 stations. Station coordinates were identified by GPS. The meas time was set at 3 minutes for valid order of 0.1 % for K and 1ppm for eU and eTh concentration. Both map grids and statistical analysis was applied to the acquired data. The research result gave mean concentration of the radioelements U, Th and K as 17.527 ppm, 59.06 ppm and 4.1092 ppm respectively in the order of (Th>U>K), absorbed does rate values ranging from 33.45nGyph-1 to 676.49 nGyph-1 with average value of 48.3 nGyph-1 is lower than the world average value. Correlation of 0.9, 0.8, 0.82 for (238U and 232Th), (40K and 238U) and (232Th and 40K) respectively were obtained. The research identified rocks associated with these radioelements, thorium being major source of radioactivity and serve as an awareness to the citizens.
Key words: Radioelements, Meas, Gaya, Correlation, Radioactivity, ppm