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A Restrospective Evaluation of Otorhinolaryngology Consultations Requested from the Emergency Department

Fatma Atalay,Kübra Topal.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: In this study, it was aimed to examine the emergency service consultations requested from the otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic and to discuss the results in the light of the literature.
Material and Methods: In our study, 376 emergency department consultations requested from the otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic of Kastamonu Training and Research Hospital between the dates 01.10.2019 and 01.10.2021 were examined retrospectively. Age and gender of patients, date of consultation, reasons for consultation, diagnoses made as a result of consultation and interventions were recorded.
Results: 142 (37.8%) of the patients who requested consultations were female and 234 (62.2%) of them were male. The mean total age was 38.43. The most common reason for consultation was nasal fracture, infectious causes, foreign body in the ear and foreign body in the nose, respectively (n=77, 20.47%; n=51, 13.56%; n=39, 10.37%; n=36, 9.57%). The most frequently consultation requested months are July (n=62, 16.48%), August (n=45, 11.96%) and September (n=44, 11.70%), respectively. As a result of the consultations, the most common interventions were foreign body removal and nasal fracture repositioning (n=64, 17.02%; n=58, 15.42%). No otorhinolaryngology pathology was found in 79 patients (21.01%).
Conclusion: The fact that emergency physicians have sufficient knowledge and experience in otorhinolaryngology emergencies will both reduce the mortality and morbidity of patients and prevent the loss of time and internal power by preventing unnecessary consultation requests

Key words: Emergency department, consultations, otorhinolaryngology.

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