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Application of the “rule of halves” for hypertension as an assessment tool in an urban and rural population at Shimoga, Karnataka - A cross-sectional study

Saranya Rajamanickam, Praveen Kumar.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Hypertension is a challenging disease in the developing countries like India as majority of the cases remain undiagnosed and hidden in the community. Therefore the disease hypertension adheres to “rule of halves.”

Objectives: The objectives are to assess the status of awareness, treatment, and control measures of hypertension using the “rule of halves” as a tool for the assessment of evaluation in the community.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 400 participants in both rural and urban field practice areas of Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS). The participants were selected and interviewed about the diagnosis and management of hypertension along with their basic information using a structured questionnaire, and it was collected. Blood pressure (BP) was also recorded.

Result: The prevalence in a rural area of Shimoga district for hypertension was 31% (62/200), whereas the prevalence was slightly higher in urban population, i.e., 34.5% (69/200). Of the 62 individuals with hypertension, 37 (59.6%) were already diagnosed as hypertensives. Of the 37 diagnosed hypertensives, 27 (72%) were under treatment of hypertension using antihypertensive drugs. Of these 27 participants, 12 (44.44%) had a control of BP. Of the 69 individuals with hypertension, 24 (34.7%) were already diagnosed as hypertensives. Of the 24 known hypertensives, 14 (58.3%) were under treatment of hypertension using antihypertensive medication. Of the 14 participants, only 5 (35.7%) had control of BP.

Conclusion: The population in rural area had better awareness, better treatment, and inadequate control, whereas in urban area, the awareness was poor, treatment was better, and control of hypertension was not adequate.

Key words: Assessment Tool; Hypertension; Rule of Halves; Rural and Urban Area

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