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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 1541-1550

Education and Learning New Normal in COVID-19 Pandemic Context

Saman Asawapoom.


This research aimed to review and describe how COVID-19 pandemic affected everyday life and education society and to propose how to cope with education and learning in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Documentary research was implemented and synthesis and analysis techniques were applied to summary the findings. The main findings were as follow. 1) COVID-19 caused by Coronavirus of the same type of SARS or MERS. Although the death rate from COVID-19 was much lower than those from SARS or MERS, but it spread more easily than SARS or MERS. More seriously was that a person, effected with COVID-19 but not sick yet, could spread the pandemic to others. 2) With little knowledge about COVID-19, most state leaders exercised stick policy and strong security measures, which impacted to many sectors in society including educational provision. Some countries adopted and adapted Herd Immunity to fight against COVID-19. 3) Immense effects to societal and economical operations. Schools, colleges and universities were closed which affected millions of learners. Two approaches were implemented to fight against COVID-19, but results were not clearly confirmed. New normal was a magic phrase in most societies and new measures according to New normal guidelines had been issued and enforced to follow. The implication of the research findings was to solve other problems, such as social and economic problems, along with COVID-19 problems.

Key words: COVID-19, new normal, education, learning, pandemic

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