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Review Article

Sudan J Paed. 2023; 23(2): 224-233

Rhythm abnormalities among hospitalized children in Lagos: A case series

Barakat A. Animasahun, Alaba B. Oladimeji, Moriam O. Lamina, Adaobi U. Solarin, Elizabeth A. Disu.


Arrhythmias refer to disturbances in heart rate or rhythm which leads to heart rates that are abnormally fast, slow, or irregular. Rhythm abnormalities may be common among Nigeria children but there are only few reports. The current write up is a clinical review of 8 patients in various age groups including neonate, infant and older children. It is presented to highlight the different forms of arrhythmias that can occur in children, with varying underlying aetiology, thus, stressing the need for early recognition of arrhythmias in children, appropriate early intervention, and challenges involved in their care.

Key words: Rhythm abnormalities, Children; Arrhythmial, Lagos; Aetiology, Dysrhythmia.

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