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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 970-974

Employee’s Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)

Yuen Yee Yen, Wendy Teoh Ming Yen, Lew Jia Xin.


Purpose-This study aims to identify causes of role stress such as factors such as role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, interpersonal relationship and physical work environment on job performance of employee’s in Malaysia.
Design/methodology/approach- 240 questionnaires were distributed to employees in small and medium enterprise (SMEs), but only 200 questionnaires were collected for data analysis.
Findings- The result shows that role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload and interpersonal relationship significantly affect employee’s performance. However, physical work environment does not significantly affect employee’s job performance.
Practical implications- This present research study will be useful to help SMEs to improve employee performance. It will suggest ways to solve the problem of role conflict, role overload, role ambiguity and interpersonal relationship that will tends to affect the employee performance. This study will be useful to help the employee’s that work in SMEs to improve their performance after have a better understanding of factor that affect job performance. Guidance could be provided to assist the employee to get sufficient information to finish job task and improve the interpersonal relationship with other employee’s in an organization.

Key words: Employee’s performance; Role overload; Role conflict; Role ambiguity; Interpersonal relationship; Physical work environment.

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