Background: Perfumes, whether original or faked are considered of great economic value. However, overzealous use of perfumes could be associated with local or systemic side effects.
Aim: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of daily use of original and faked perfumes on numbers and distribution of mast cells in several organs and tissues in Wistar rats.
Methods: Three different kinds of original perfumes coded as O1, O2 and O3 and their faked counterparts coded as F1, F2, and F3 were applied once daily directly on the skin of rats for 28 consecutive days. At the end of the study, representative tissue samples were taken and processed for histopathological examination using Hematoxylin and Eosin, toluidine blue and Wrights stains.
Results: A significant (p < 0.05) elevation in mast cell count was observed in F3, O3, F1 and F2 compared to the control group. The majority of mast cells were distributed in the hepatic perivascular tissues, peribronchial and pleural tissues. There was a significant (p < 0.05) elevation in mast cell count in interalveolar wall, peribronchial area and in pleura tissues in F1 and O3 groups.
Conclusion: Results of this study indicated that repeated use of both original and faked perfumes was associated with increased number of mast cells in different body organs and tissues.
Key words: Perfumes, fake, original, mast cells, histopathology