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JEAS. 2021; 8(1): 50-67

Performance Analysis of Open Source Image Steganography Tools

Urmila Pilania, Rohit Tanwar, Prinima Gupta.

Cited by 2 Articles

In the present epoch, where technology is rising fast with new developments, the main challenge for the sender is to ensure that information is sent in a correct and covert mode that only the receiver is capable to recognize. Steganography is the art of concealing and transmitting secret information through carrier multimedia without being exposed. In this paper, four open-source image steganography tools are analyzed and compared on basis of image features like the type of cover image, the dimension of stego image, type of secret information, type of output image, the technique for concealing secret information, encryption support, hashing, data compression, etc. The comparative analysis of these tools based on specified parameters represents their strengths, limitations, applicability, and scope for future work as well. OpenStego image steganography tool performs amazing among the researchers and the professionals. This paper also put efforts to explore the working of the OpenStego tool on some unexplored parameters to authenticate and validate its performance.
Keywords: Security System; Steganography tools; Watermarking; OpenStego.

Key words: Security System; Steganography tools; Watermarking; OpenStego

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