Transitions are characterized with psychological and social cost.The overarching objective of this study was to compare the experiences of undergraduate students in educational transition from college to university. Meanwhile, this study also explored the differences between undergraduate students regarding gender and department wise in their educational transitional experiences regarding seven indicators during their first semester fall 2017at University of Education, Campus, Dera Ghazi Khan. Three objectives and further nine research questions were formulated. The current study was delimited to only Science departments of University of Education, Campus, Dera Ghazi Khan the population of the study was consisted of all the 555 (409 male and 146 female) students of six Science departments who joined their first Semester in 2017. From overall population, 70% male (194) and 30% (84) female were selected through stratified sampling technique. Five point Likert scale questionnaire was adapted with the help of literature review for the collection of data from selected sample. Furthermore, the research tool was validated with the help of literature review and researcher then checked its reliability from pilot testing; the value of Cronbach alpha was found 0.81. From statistical package of social software V. 20 was used to runt-test, mean, standard deviation and other relevant tests were applied to analysis the data. It is concluded that female student faced most difficulties in educational transitional process as regard to integration to university, academic issue, induction to discipline, most difficult challenges and in overall transitional process. On the other hand male student (of University of Education, Campus Dera Ghazi Khan) alsofaced difficulties in educational transitional process regarding orientation program and difference between college and university. From results, it was concluded that female students faced most difficulties in educational transitional process from college to university as compared to male students. It is recommended that Orientation session must be organized formore inclusive and efficient that every single student who enrolled would get better adjustment in university. It is also recommended that the higher authorities of University must take proper steps to minimize the gap between these two educational systems with the help of students counselling and guidance program.
Key words: Educational Transition, Undergraduate Students, University Education